Tuesday, January 09, 2007

California Dreaming

California Dreaming

Hello all ! Well, here we are in the 21st century-oh yah we have been for the last seven years I guess.Well, it is now 2007 and as you can tell this is not Brian writing, but the one and only Elizabeth or Beth or my newest title"mommy".AHHHHHHHHHHHHH I cannot believe I am old enough to have this title and whoever entrusted me with this I do not know. No, I am not making this a regular, new occurence of writing on our blog, just because it is a new year or something.I just wanted to make a secret contribution at this moment in time. Brian is out at Basketball tonight and our little angel is sitting in her swing (thanks Aunty Elisa and Uncle Ryan) sleeping soundly!! Oh shoot, she is getting so big and grown up.Well, the actual purpose of this post is to say a big thank you to all of our family, friends, neighbors and landlords. I want to say that I have been overwhelmed with the excitement and giving of time and gifts to our little Sienna and to us as a little family.I am so thankful to the Lord for each and every one of you and how God has specifically placed you in our lives for this time and season. Every one of you have touched ourlives in such a special way-people bringing meals, throwing baby showers,visiting, phone calls-holding Sienna from 3am to 6am(Mom Cowley) it moves me to tears at times thinking of how good we have had it with our awesome little girl.How come God decided to bless us so much with such great people and a healthy, beautiful daughter?? I am so thankful and I hope to tell each and every one of you to your face as well as on here. One person I cannot miss thanking is my wonderful husband who is the biggest and most wonderful blessing in my life.I could not have dreamed up a more perfect man for me.God has given me the best gift a woman could ever ask for and that is a wonderful,faithful,trusting,patient, funny, hot, loving, godly, husband who has turned out to be the most wonderful daddy!! Thank you Brian keep up the good blog!! I love your pictures:)I love you:) Thank you everyone, for putting up with my sappy, heartfelt blog entry.


philandruth said...

Such a wonderful loving family!! Thank you for such a wonderful granddaughter. Give her some kisses for me.I loved your blog. Although I was crying by the end of it. Such a wonderful mommy and daddy and support. PTL!!
Love mama C

Anonymous said...

I just knew Brian would have the love and warmth with you as his partner in life Elizabeth. It is a joy to be able to share this time with you and experience the three of you as a family. Your home is filled with love, the love for each other, the love for God and love for the many people who touch your lives. May our Father in Heaven, such a powerful part of your family, shower you with many blessings as you parent little Sienna.

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth...I agree Brian is hot. He is also homophobic. So he's going to hate reading this. Brian I love you. But seriously Beth you have a great husband (now he's a daddy).

By the way to answer your question "mommy...whoever entrusted me with this I do not know" it's God who did that. He knew you were going to be great at it.

You two are great parents, great spouses, and great friends.

We are privileged to know you both.


Anonymous said...

Has anyone seen my dog? He's brown with a white spot on his forehead, he has big floppy ears and is missing a leg and an eye.

Anonymous said...

Trevor Kempner still cracks me up!

And Elizabeth - your entry was great!

Also... word of caution - if you start saying your baby is growing up too fast and it's time for another one - you'll get it - we did that with Scott and that's why Todd came 11 months later - planned, yes, but busy nonetheless.... careful!!!! just kidding! You could handle more!!!