Monday, September 25, 2006

It's been a while!!!

So it's been some time since our last blog entry. Sorry. We've been really busy lately and haven't had much free time. Let me fill you in on the haps. Two weekends ago we got our first couple of new baby accessories. The first one being a new jogging stroller for Mom and the baby(Dad probably won't get too much use out of it). Elizabeth looked at a few and didn't like this or that with all of them. The one we found has everything she could ever hope for and more, her life is complete now.

As you can see if our baby looks anything like a basketball it will be a perfect fit.

The next thing we got was not bought by us, oh no, it was a gift from our friends Ry_n and El_sa. It's a great gift and we are very blessed to have such great friends. It's a motorized swing set for our little one. It has multiple speeds, has several calming nature sounds and plays some sort of kiddie music.

This is really a mixed blog entry. The next portion will reflect our last weekend in Vancouver. We went to Vancouver on a whim, just expecting to have a good time with our friends R&E. when we got off the ferry we saw more friends Rayeal Michalski and Kim Richmond. After chatting for a while we went to Brad and Kim,s place to hang out. We stayed there until about 1am then cruised back to R&E's to retire for the evening. Next day was ABC for breakfast and shopping for new clothes. Elisa and Michelle(Lindoff) had tickets for the Mariah Carey concert that night, which they purchased month's ago. Elizabeth was in search of something to do that night because it would mean hanging with the boys otherwise. We thought why not see if there were anymore tickets to the concert. We found the last ticket in the section the other girls were in and bought it. $101 dollars later the girls were together watching one of the all time greatest divas ever. I though that was pretty cool, and I apologize for using the word "diva". Anyways I've bored myself with typing so now I will bid you all farewell. Elizabeth's feeling well and strong, the baby is healthy and normal, and I am me. Life is good. 68 days and counting until little Mohammed or Latisha comes into our lives.


Anonymous said...

What's with our names R_yan and El_sa?? It's Ryan and Elisa, get it right. Maybe we'll have to take the swing back and use it for our kitty! All our love, R&E.

Anonymous said...

Hey Bri...nice baby stuff! Next blog entry...painting the little Munchkin's room? Glad you're both enjoying this time in your life....67 days...this next chapter will go by very quickly and before you know it you'll have a little version of yourself snuggled in the crook of your arm!

Anonymous said...

I love baby things. This is getting soooo exciting!!!
Love mama C

Anonymous said...

How about an's been a week!

Anonymous said...

Hey Booths,
It's now October and almost my birthday so make some room on your blog to celebrate the life of me!!!
Just kidding, I would like to see something new but I know you're busy so I'm pretty much writing for no reason! Happy Thanksgiving